Western Wyoming Senior Regional Resources
Wyoming Senior Regional Resources
Here’s just a quick resources page borrowed from the Wyoming Center on Aging,
1000 E. University Ave, Dept 3415
Ross Hall, Room 411
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2829
Fax: (307) 766-2847
Email: wycoa@uwyo.edu
Wyoming Department of Health Aging Division
The Wyoming Department of Health Aging Division provides information about Services for Older Adults, Consumer Information, CNA Information, Complaints: Home Health and Facilities, Community Living, Healthcare Licensing and Surveys, and Aging Division Community Facilities.
National Family Caregiver Support Program
The Wyoming Department of Health provides information on the National Family Caregiver Support Program. Topics include: Are you a caregiver, What does the program offer, Who can the program help, Why is the program needed, and Where is help available.
Senior Resources Directory
The Casper Senior Network provides a senior service directory that is arranged by type of service.
Wyoming Advance Health Care Directives
This link provides individuals with the Wyoming Advance Health Care Directive Form along with a list of contact information for Wyoming resources.
Wyoming Aging and Disability Resource Center
The Wyoming Aging and Disability Resource Center allows individuals to search for services in their area for aging and disabled persons.
Wyoming Housing Network
The Wyoming Housing Network enables older adults to search for Affordable Housing and Housing Counseling in their county.
Wyoming Senior Citizens, Inc.
Wyoming Senior Citizens Inc. is a private, nonprofit organization whose purpose is to meet the needs of Wyoming’s older residents and help them maintain their independence. Topics include National Family Caregiver Support Program, Senior Companion Program, Long Term Care Ombudsman, Wyoming State Health Insurance Information Program, Senior Medicare Patrol Program, and Foster Grandparent Program.
Wyoming Services for Independent Living
The Wyoming Services for Independent Living allows individuals with a disability live independently in their community through finding resources in their area.
Wyoming State Information on Respite Providers and Programs
The ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center provides information on Finding Respite Providers or Programs, Respite Funding and Eligibility, and Additional Resources.
Wyoming211. We provide the most current and comprehensive database of community resources in the State of Wyoming which serves as a central access point for connecting Wyoming’s residents to community resources.