Is My Teen Using Drugs?
Is My Teen Using Drugs?
A Guide to the Signs of Drug Use in Teens
The good news is that according to the 2018 Monitoring the Future Survey, teenage drug abuse, aside from marijuana use, is at its lowest level in over two decades. Among 12th graders, past-year use of illicit drugs other than marijuana has declined by 30 percent since 2013. According to the survey, substances at historically low levels of use among teenagers include cigarettes, alcohol, heroin, prescription opioids, meth, sedatives, and ketamine.
However, many teenagers are still abusing drugs, including 12.4 percent of high school seniors. Let’s take a look at the signs of drug use in teens, including risk factors for teenage drug abuse, signs of teen addiction, and what parents can do if they believe their teen is abusing drugs.
The Adolescent Brain and Drug Use
Teenagers demonstrate plenty of mental ability with regard to rational decision-making and understanding right versus wrong. However, the teenage brain does not have fully developed brain-based control mechanisms. This leads to teens being more likely to respond to stressful or emotional decisions with impulsiveness without considering the consequences of their actions.
When compared to adults, 16 to 17-year-old adolescents are more likely to be more:
- Vulnerable to peer pressure
- Aggressive
- Impulsive
- Reactive to stress
- Focused on short-term gratification rather than long-term consequences
Adolescence is a normal time for experimentation. More than half of young people will try an illicit drug as a teenager, and almost all will have tried alcohol, tobacco, or both at least once before they reach legal age.
Cross-cultural surveys show that for Americans aged 15-20, 12.2% met the definition of an alcohol dependence disorder within 12 months of the survey. This percentage is much higher in comparison to other age groups: the rate of alcohol dependence was at 4.1% for those in the age range of 30-34.
Vulnerability to Drug Use: Adolescents vs. Adults
Several neuro-developmental studies show that a teenager’s developing prefrontal cortex may lead to more emotional and impulsive decision-making. Adolescents also show lower sensitivity to intoxication than adults due to higher metabolic rates allowing them to consume higher amounts of alcohol. These factors, combined with adolescent hormones promoting social competitiveness, may promote drug use for teens looking for social approval from their peers.
Adolescent Drug Use and Memory
A study shows that adolescents with alcohol use disorder show a 10% smaller volume in the hippocampus (the main brain structure for memory) and displayed greater difficulty retrieving memories than adolescents without a history of alcohol use disorder.
Substances Most Abused by Teens
Any use of substances by teenagers is considered abuse because the brain continues to develop into their 20s, making substance use dangerous to brain development. According to the Monitoring the Future Study, the following are the most used substances by teenagers:
With more than half of high school seniors admitting to drinking in the past year, alcohol remains the most abused substance by teenagers.
Approximately 36 percent of high school seniors admit to using marijuana in the past year and 22 percent of high school seniors admitting using it in the past month. Marijuana is the only substance to see an increase in teen use.
Cigarette use is on a decline, however, the use of vaping or other e-cigarette products is increasing. This may be due in part to a misconception that vaping is somehow safer than cigarettes when there is no evidence of that.
Around 4 percent of high school seniors admitted to using Adderall in the last year. Although there is no evidence to support the idea that Adderall with improving academic or athletic performance, teenagers sometimes still believe it will help.
This category of substances includes Benzodiazepines like Ativan, Xanax, Klonopin, and Valium as well as Barbiturates like Phenobarbital and butalbital. Sleep Medications like Ambien and Lunesta are also a tranquilizer. More than 6 percent of high school seniors admit to tranquilizer use in the last year.
Detox from this category of substances is particularly dangerous due to the increased risk of seizure.
Also known as “synthetic marijuana” these dangerous substances are perceived by some as “safe” when in fact it can cause violence and aggression along with paranoia and anxiety. Around 3 percent of high school seniors have used spice in the last year.
Sometimes people think that prescriptions are somehow safer because they are prescribed by a Doctor. The truth is, painkillers such as OxyContin are just as dangerous. Around 2 percent of high school seniors admit to using Oxycontin in the last year.
Around 4 percent of students admit to having ever abused inhalants, however, around 1 percent admit to using in the last year and less than one percent admit to abuse in the last month.
Psychoactive substances include LAD, Peyote, Mescaline, Mushrooms, and DMT. Around 6 percent of high schoolers admit to having ever used hallucinogens.
Cough Medicine
Approximately 3 percent of high school seniors admit to abusing cough medicine in the past year. Abusing this substance can result in brain damage and nausea.