CULTIVATE works with individuals with intellectual disabilities to find jobs in the Jackson Hole area, but more critically, we facilitate proper training and support to raise the bar and find consistent meaningful employment opportunities.
We are applying Vertical Harvest‘s employment model which focuses on hiring developmentally disabled people. It has been a resounding success!
CULTIVATE not only focuses on professional development, but also personal development and support for both the business and the employee in order to ensure the success. We work with local businesses to develop inclusive and diversified employment plans that benefits the employees, the business’s bottom line and the community.
Our mission is motivated by the fact that Wyoming suffers a 78% unemployment rate for people with disabilities, a challenge for people in rural communities searching for meaningful employment. CULTIVATE realizes the unique contribution of this under-served population, and was conceived in 2016 through the co-creation of an impact driven business, Vertical Harvest of Jackson Hole (VHJH).
CULTIVATE and VHJH created an integrated workplace that includes 28 people, 16 of whom have a form of disability. We will demonstrate how the creation of an inclusive culture has a positive connection to market performance and is a critical first step, as an exemplary model for our community. Employment is a key part of life, and everyone has the right to work.