Big Horn Basin Adolescent Program – Youth & Group Home
Big Horn Basin Adolescent Program specializes in helping at-risk youth who need long-term care in a safe, structured, behavior modification program. The Big Horn Basin Adolescent Program is a private, nonprofit facility which serves a variety of preadolescent and adolescent youth. We accept boys and girls from ages 10 to 17 who are nonviolent and need a structured, supportive, behavior modification program. Our program includes youth who are victims of sexual or physical abuse, those with emotional difficulties, delinquent acts, runaway behavior, drugs or alcohol involvement, peer relationship difficulties, or other socially inappropriate behaviors.
We develop an Individualized Plan of Care for each youth in our program. This comprehensive Plan of Care guides the youth’s social, emotional, and educational growth. Life skills are an important part of each young person’s Individualizes Plan of Care. They learn household, money, and personal management skills.
For 17- to 18-year-olds returning to their homes, we facilitate an Advanced Independent Living Skills class.
All youth attend public school while living with us. Our staff coaches each student to practice good study habits and maximize success in school. We also emphasize positive use of recreation and leisure time. Therapeutic recreation enables these young people to build positive peer relationships, sharpen individual skills, and develop self-confidence in an atmosphere of fun. We use community resources as much as possible to instill lifelong habits of physical activity and fitness.
- Youth & Group Home, substance abuse, 12 – 17 years
- Big Horn Basin Adolescent Program
- 967 Highway 20 South, Basin, WY 82410
- (307) 568-2222 office or (307) 568-3884 youth house
- Serving children and youth of the Big Horn Basin.
See also:
Youth Group Homes in Western Wyoming
Youth Residential Treatment Centers in Western Wyoming